Pre- Race Communication
Race Day General COVID Guidelines
Packet Pick Up
Race Day Arrival/Transition/After Race
- Email will be our primary source of information prior to race day to all registered athletes. Please check your email and spam folder routinely as we get close to race day (we use Mailchimp mass mailing and it may end up in spam or promotional email folders).
- Pre-race communication will provide information not only on race specifics but on social distancing, wearing masks, when to arrive, start times, finish line, awards, etc;
- We ask that you relay the “safety” guidelines to your athlete and any spectators that you invite.
- We will provide information via social media, but it may not be as comprehensive as athlete emails.
Race Day General COVID Guidelines
- We ask that all athletes, spectators and volunteers follow our safety guidelines.
- Any athletes, spectator or volunteer that exhibits COVID-19 symptoms OR has been in close contact with a positive case will be asked NOT to race or attend event. We will offer the athlete a refund/deferral in this case.
- Maintain social distance of 6ft while in general race area/venue.
- Athletes are encouraged to wear face coverings prior to the start of the race. They may remove them prior to starting their race.
- Spectators and volunteers must wear a face covering and social distance throughout the event.
- Sanitizer stations will be placed throughout the venue – everyone is encouraged to use these throughout the event as needed.
Packet Pick Up
- Packet pick-up location to be announced at a later date. In most cases it will be outside with adequate space. We will try to offer extended hours and days to facilitate social distancing.
- Athletes and parents must wear a face covering while at packet pick up.
- Maintain social distance of 6ft from others that are not family members.
- Staff and volunteers will be wearing masks and a 6ft barrier or plexi-screen will be used in the packet pick up process.
- Athletes will be given one bag that will contain – race bib, bike numbers, race tattoos, athlete shirt and other goodies. If you have multiple athletes make sure they each have proper bib # on race day.
- Please exit packet pick up promptly after obtaining packet.
Race Day Arrival/Transition/After Race
- Arrive early – transition opens at 6:30am.
- Have bike numbers and race tattoos applied prior to arrival at race site.
- Masks must be worn in transition during bike set-up. Only athletes will be allowed in transition.
- Volunteers will be on site – they have been instructed NOT to touch athletes but will provide guidance if needed. We encourage athletes to know how to set up their transition area and how to snap on their helmet.
- Bikes will be spaced with roughly 3 feet distance between each other (see design below).
- Athletes can retrieve their bike and gear after last athlete has exited T2 and headed out on run. Only athlete may enter for retrieval of gear.
Start Line
- We will be doing a corralled/time trial start to allow for social distancing. Athletes will be in large corrals by age group but will be starting in pairs of 2 every 5 seconds.
- Athletes may wear disposable masks in corral and remove before starting race.
Race Course/Aid Stations
Finish Line
- If an athlete falls and needs assistance our masked volunteers will provide necessary assistance which includes touching athlete as needed.
- Run course water stops will be available on the course.
- Volunteers will be masked and wearing gloves at water stops.
- Filled water cups will be placed on a table for the athlete to grab. Volunteers will not be handing out cups for athletes.
Finish Line
- Athletes will proceed through finishers chute with divided one-way flow to promote social distancing. No parents in the finish chute area.
- Gloved/masked volunteers will remove timing chip with minimal contact to athlete – timing chips are Velcro straps worn on their ankle.
- Gloved/masked volunteers will hand athlete a medal, bottled water and snack prior to exiting finishers area.
After Race/Awards
- We will not have awards ceremony.
- Once race results are finalized we will have a tent/table where athletes can pick up their awards. Maintain 6ft social distancing from other athletes/family.
- We will have a weblink published prior to race day with access to race results. You will be able to access this link on your phone to see if your athlete will receive an award.
- We will have a “self-serve” podium/backdrop for athletes to take photos of their accomplishment.